If this happens, just click inside the “Destination” area within the wizard or add the information manually into the Destination field. You may notice a chime and then an inability to select the cell you want to move the data into. To do so, we’d highlight the first names in the wizard (notice the black highlight in the screenshot that signifies the active column) and then click the appropriate cell. We could do this differently-for example, adding first names to column B and last names to column C. Next, we’re going to click the cell where we want to start adding the data-in this case B2-and click “Finish.” This will add the first and last names to their respective columns. You can use any delimiter that fits your data set. In this case, we’re using comma and space because each cell in column A has a comma and a space separating the two. Delimiters are simply how the data is separated. (8) Delete the old split out columns as you no longer need them.Check both the “Comma” and “Space” delimiters and then the “Next” button.

So be aware of that if you need to use that data in other applications. The contents of every cell will begin with an appostrophe though. This will replace the formula which is only displaying the numbers with the actual numbers themselves formatted as text and not numerical. (7) Place the cursor back at the top of that column, use Edit/Paste Special, choose Values from the resulting menu, then click OK. Be sure just the filled cells are selected and COPY them (ctrl+c or right click and choose copy). Do not click the column header to select. (6) Once you’ve varified that everything is correctly copied and formatted (the correct numbers are represented), select all of the cells in that column. (5) Copy that formula down each row to the bottom of the data. (4) Now, assuming you’re on row 1 column D, the formula would look something like this (modify as necessary): (3) Use the empty column to the right or left (insert one if needed) of where all the resulting columns of data reside. (2) Use text to columns to split those numbers to as many columns as you need. (1) Your numbers with spaces are all in column A to start with. Now, using the empty column to the right or left of them (insert a column if needed), use the CONCATENATE function to put them all back together inserting a decimal where needed.

The procedure is the same.įirst, split the address into as many columns as needed using text to column feature like you did before. Do you mean IP addresses with decimals? No matter.
Use text to columns excel for mac mac#
You said MAC addresses and the one’s I’ve seen have dashes.